How can I combine two fields in a SelectList text description?

I want put in a selected list labels the name and surname of people of an EF model. I've tried with this:

public ActionResult Insert()
            ViewData["accountlist"] = new SelectList(time.Anagrafica_Dipendente.ToList(), "ID_Dipendente", "Surname Name", null);             
            Giustificativi g = new Giustificativi();
            return View(g);

but VS returns an error, because there isn't a attribute called "surname name". how can i concat the name and surname in the selectlist label?


you could do something like this:

ViewData["accountlist"] = 
    new SelectList((from s in time.Anagrafica_Dipendente.ToList() select new { 
        FullName = s.Surname + " " + s.Name}), 

Add a new property to time.Anagrafica_Dipendente which will represent the concatenation of the two properties:

public string Fullname 
        return string.Format("{0} {1}", Surname, Name);

and then use this:

ViewData["accountlist"] = new SelectList(

Update: As of C# 6.0, the property can be more concisely written as:

public string Fullname => string.Format("{0} {1}", Surname, Name);

Learn more about expression-bodied properties here.