What's the fastest thing to farm?
I've always wanted to know the answer so I can get World Locks quick.
What's the fastest thing to farm in Growtopia?
It's generally used by calculating how many seeds you need, how much time it takes, etc. So I need to know.
If you want to profit World Locks fast, then the question shouldn't be what's the fastest farmable, but what's the farmable with the best price/rarity/farmability/punches-to-break ratio.
The fastest known farmables are Grass, Rock Background and a bunch of other cheap stuff.
The farmable with the best price/rarity/farmability/punches-to-break ratio, which means it's just worth farming, is nowadays Fishtank - Cost 100-120/WL, rarity 42, great farmability and 3 punches to break. That just sounds awesome, doesn't it?
Other farmables that are worth farming (not as much as Fishtanks though): Venus Guytrap (200/WL, 41, slightly-above-average, 6), Blackrock Wall (200/WL, 42, slightly-above-average, 4) and Pinball Bumper, which doesn't have such good specs at all.
I personally definitely recommend using the Fishtanks.