Keep roaming Outlands or move to Northrend?

I just dinged 69, and I've only quested in three of the Outlands zones. Should I keep questing in Outland, or should I move on to Northrend?

Solution 1:

If you have never leveled through the Outland content before it is certainly worth your time if you have an interest in the lore.

Also if you get a lot of this content and levels before going to Northrend, then when you get to to Northrend you will reach level 80 faster. And then when you're 80 you will still have a lot of quests in Northrend to left to do and doing all all of them at maximum level turns into cold hard cash.

Solution 2:

That depends on what you really want. If you want to get to 80 fast and experience the WotLK content, go to Northrend. If you would like to get the most of the game however, definetly stay in Outland.

Another thing is - are you on a PvP server? If so, you might consider staying in Outland for a while as people leveling in Northrend (and being level 71+) will definitely want to gank you a bit ;) And if you are a PvP player you will probably want to be 80 asap, since then you will be able to fight in the Arenas. If you enjoy PvE more, try the Outland dungeons too, they are nice (i liked them even more than those in Northrend, especially Coilfang Reservoir dungeons).

Solution 3:

Personally I would (and did) go to Northrend.

I found the levelling experience to much quicker - more XP from mobs and quests, plus quests are in definite "hubs", making it quicker to pickup and hand-in quests.

On my Paladin I made sure to complete all the quests in both WOTLK starting zones. This put me to ~73/74 from 68, without too much effort. It was also a great way to pickup rep, gear, and gold!