How can I find the CD Key used in a Diablo 2 installation?

I have Diablo 2 installed on my old gaming PC, and was looking to install it on my new gaming rig. The problem I have is that while I have the install discs and things, I cannot for the life of me find the CD Key.

Is there a way to figure out what the key on the old PC is so I can copy it and use it on the new PC?

I assume it is stored in a file or registry setting somewhere on the old box...

If it's already installed and registered on the other computer, most Blizzard games (Diablo 2 included) seem to respond well to just being flat-out copied from one computer to another. Assuming the CD key is stored in a file (can't find anything in the registry on a quick look-through), it would solve that problem and save you some time installing (and even patching).

The registration key is encrypted in one of the .mpq files in your installation directory, either patch_d2.mpq or d2data.mpq ... sources I found seemed unsure as to which. Not that it matters, because it's encrypted.

There are programs "out there" that will extract the key for you, but I would be very careful using them. I haven't used one myself, so I can't recommend any to you, and programs like that are sometimes located on sites that don't necessarily scan everything before it's posted. If you search for "Diablo II key grabber", you should get some hits that might point you in the right direction.

If you tied your D2 game to your account, you can just log into a new computer, connect to your account, and download the game from blizzard on to your new system.