How do I force gulp calls to run synchronously?

Solution 1:

You can use async as a control flow for your calls to get them in only one task, also avoiding you to get a "pyramid effect". So something like this should be good for your use-case:

var async = require('async');

gulp.task('yeah', function (cb) {
    function (next) {
        .on('end', next);
    function (next) {
        .on('end', next);
    function (next) {
        .on('end', next);
  ], cb);

That will also allow you to have some error handling and target better where a problem occured.

Solution 2:

Well, it's just streams so you could listen for the end event (Watch out for the pyramid of doom!)

gulp.task("dostuff", function (callback) {

    .on('end', function () {

        .on('end', function () {

            .on('end', callback);


But it's probably a better pattern to split it up in multiple tasks each one with a dependency on the previous one.

Solution 3:


Runs a sequence of gulp tasks in the specified order. This function is designed to solve the situation where you have defined run-order, but choose not to or cannot use dependencies.

npm install --save-dev run-sequence

// runSequence will ensure this task will run the following tasks in the listed order
gulp.task('things-to-do', callback => runSequence(
    'clean-up-workspace', // clean up before copying new files
    'copy-new-files', // wait till copy-new-files done before linting
    'lint', // wait till lint is done before running minify
    'minify', // wait till minify is done before starting laundry and dinner
    ['do-laundry', // do laundry and cook dinner at the same time
    'bath-cat', // don't bath the cat till both laundry and dinner are done