How to fix iTunes wrong song time?
My mp3 in iTunes shows a time of about 20 minutes, when it really have about 5 minutes. The VLC Player and the Windows Media Player shows the correct time for the same file, what's wrong with my iTunes?
Solution 1:
The incorrect time is most likely due to an error introduced by the encoding software. You can repair the problem by using the Convert to AAC feature in iTunes.
In iTunes 11 this feature can be found under the Create New Version → option of the File menu.
Solution 2:
How can I fix incorrect mp3 duration @ askubuntu had a couple of command line solutions.
For me, the ffmepg solution worked (ffmepg can be installed to OS X with Homebrew, for example):
ffmpeg -i file_orig.mp3 -acodec copy file_fixed.mp3
Solution 3:
Mr. Van Cool's fix did not work. Jaberg's suggestion worked, but I found an easier way to get to the "Convert ..." option. From the songs menu, right click on the songs with the bad time & "Convert to AAC" is in the popup menu. Fixed 4 songs in under a minute, added the M4A files to my playist, and burning to CD worked as expected.