Android Studio on a hardware that does not support virtualization technology

I use Android Studio on Ubuntu Linux on a machine that does not support virtualization technology. Android Studio demands KVM to be installed to run emulators, but I cannot do so due to the previously mentioned hardware limitation.

Are there any options for me to overcome this issue (using the same hardware)?

Solution 1:

You'll have to run the ARM system images, which unfortunately will be super-slow, but it will work. As of now, you can't run x86 system images on an x86 platform at all without KVM. This will be true of anyone running an AMD processor; HAXM is Intel-specific.

You can also try the Genymotion emulator, which works on many platforms that can't run HAXM.

Solution 2:

KVM should not be necessary for running an ARM emulator, only for x86 (see the documentation for VM acceleration).

Have you tried creating an AVD using the ARM EABI instead of the Intel one?