checking if a number is float in PHP

This is really weird. I have this piece of code.

$rewardAmt = $amt;
      print_r("is float");die;
} else {
      print_r("is not float"); die;

value of $amt is 0.01. But it is going into else condition. So I did a var_dump of $amt. it says string(4) So I decided to typecast $amt

   $rewardAmt = (float)$amt;

But the problem with this is even if the value of $amt is 1, it still gets typecast to float and goes into if condition, which shouldn't happen. Is there any other way to do this ? Thanks

Use filter_var() with FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT

if (filter_var($amount, FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT))
     // good

If you change the first line to

$rewardAmt = $amt+0;

$rewardAmt should be cast to a number.

You can use the unary + operator, which will cast the string to the appropriate type (int or float), and then test the resulting data type with is_float:

$s = "3.00";
$n = +$s;
var_dump( $n ); // float(3)
var_dump( is_float($n) ); // true

$s = "3";
$n = +$s;
var_dump( $n ); // int(3)
var_dump( is_float($n) ); // false