Will incense affect other players near me?

Incense: "Incense with a mysterious fragrance that lures wild Pokémon to your location for 30 minutes."

I have observed that if a Pokémon appears for me at a given time and location it will also appear for others nearby. Does this mean that if one person in a group uses incense that it will help others in the group as well?

Solution 1:

Regular incense does not affect other players. You can use a Lure Module and attach it to a PokéStop. It does affect other players.

Lure modules attract Pokemon to the PokéStop it was activated on. These Pokemon are visible to you and everyone else near the PokéStop.

Lure module

Solution 2:

Incense only works for the player who uses the Incense, others don't see the pokemons spawned by it. A Lure module however will spawn pokemon at a poke stop that all players will see.