Pretty Git branch graphs
I've seen some books and articles have some really pretty looking graphs of Git branches and commits. How can I make high-quality printable images of Git history?
Update 2: I've posted an improved version of this answer to the Visualizing branch topology in Git question, since it's far more appropriate there. That version includes lg3
, which shows both the author and committer info, so you really should check it out. Leaving this answer for historical (& rep, I'll admit) reasons, though I'm really tempted to just delete it.
My two cents: I have two aliases I normally throw in my ~/.gitconfig
lg1 = log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)' --all
lg2 = log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)%aD%C(reset) %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)%n'' %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)' --all
lg = !"git lg1"
git lg
/git lg1
looks like this:
and git lg2
looks like this:
(Note: There now exists much more applicable answers to this question, such as fracz's, Jubobs', or Harry Lee's!)
Many of the answers here are great, but for those that just want a simple one-line-to-the-point answer without having to set up aliases or anything extra, here it is:
git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph
Not everyone would be doing a git log
all the time, but when you need it just remember:
"A Dog" = git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph
For textual output you can try:
git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=relative --all
git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all
Or: here's a Graphviz alias for drawing the DAG graph.
I personally use gitx
, gitk --all
and gitnub
Gitgraph.js allows to draw pretty Git branches without a repository. Just write a JavaScript code that configures your branches and commits and render it in the browser. Interactive docs are available.
var gitGraph = new GitGraph({
template: "blackarrow",
mode: "compact",
orientation: "horizontal",
reverseArrow: true
var master = gitGraph.branch("master").commit().commit();
var develop = gitGraph.branch("develop").commit();
Or with metro
Or with commit messages, authors, and tags:
Test it with JSFiddle.
Generate it with Git Grapher by @bsara.
Built on top of TikZ & PGF, gitdags
is a little LaTeX package that allows you to effortlessly produce vector-graphics commit graphs, and more.
Automatic generation of an existing repository's commit graph is not the purpose of gitdags
; the graphs it produces are only meant for educational purposes.
I often use it to produce graphs for my answers to Git questions, as an alternative to ASCII commit graphs:
- How can I do a bugfix on master and integrate it into my less stable branch(es)?
- How does git commit --amend work, exactly?
- Why does Git tell me "Not currently on any branch" after I run "git checkout origin/<branch>"?
- What is the difference between merging master into branch and merging branch into master?
- Git rebase --preserve-merges fails
Here is an example of such a graph demonstrating the effects of a simple rebase:
% Commit DAG
\gitDAG[grow right sep = 2em]{
A -- B -- {
D -- E,
% Tag reference
[v0p1] % node name
{v0.1} % node text
{above=of A} % node placement
{A} % target
% Remote branch
[origmaster] % node name
{origin/master} % node text
{above=of C} % node placement
{C} % target
% Branch
{master} % node name and text
{above=of E} % node placement
{E} % target
% HEAD reference
{above=of master} % node placement
{master} % target
\gitDAG[grow right sep = 2em]{
A -- B -- {
C -- D' -- E',
{[nodes=unreachable] D -- E },
% Tag reference
[v0p1] % node name
{v0.1} % node text
{above=of A} % node placement
{A} % target
% Remote branch
[origmaster] % node name
{origin/master} % node text
{above=of C} % node placement
{C} % target
% Branch
{master} % node name and text
{above=of E'} % node placement
{E'} % target
% HEAD reference
{above=of master} % node placement
{master} % target
\subcaption{\ldots{} and after \texttt{git rebase origin/master}}
\caption{Demonstrating a typical \texttt{rebase}}