Can you re-install Windows 7 OEM on a new motherboard?

I want to buy a copy of Windows 7 OEM for my PC so I can run Adobe Premiere on a 64 bit OS. However, there seems to be a problem with OEM copies as some people say that once you install them you can't reinstall them if you upgrade your PC and replace the motherboard.

This is a problem because in a couple months I'm planning on upgrading from my Quad core LGA 755 to a Quad Core 1155 chipset. I don't want to lose my money if I can't do a fresh install at that point and call up Microsoft to activate my licence.

So is this true? Do you have to by another OEM copy when you upgrade your PC?

Solution 1:

True, Windows OEM software is tied to the original hardware it was either sold with or Installed on for life once the software has been activated.

However I have heard of people calling the Microsoft Activation hotline and getting it re-activated after moving to new hardware, I consider this social engineering.


enter image description here

Source of Information found under section "System Builder Licensing"

Solution 2:

I have to say, unless you are in fact an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) it is already a violation of Microsoft's license terms to use OEM Windows. Just buy a regular retail license and you won't have to worry about any of this.