I have registered MS Office 2011 for Mac and spelled the company name incorrectly, how do I change it?

Solution 1:

Try to open Word, select Preferences » User Information. Change your details there. I don't know if these settings apply to your whole Office installation though.

You could also change this company information in /Users/<your-username>/Library/Preferences/com.microsoft.office.plist. You need the developer tools installed (for the Preference List editor). Find the key named 14\UserInfo\UserOrganization and change the string there.

As usual with Microsoft Office products for Mac, they go their own way and it does not seem to be that easy to change the information. Microsoft has a more detailed description on how to reset the Software License Registry information:

  1. Quit all Microsoft applications.
  2. Click on the Go in the top menu in Finder and choose Home.
  3. Open Library.
  4. Open Preferences.
  5. Click to select com.microsoft.office.plist and drag it to Trash (Don't empty the Trash before the new information is entered).
  6. Open the Microsoft folder (NOTE: if you have Service Pack 2 Installed this will be in ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/Preferences/).
  7. Open Office 2011.
  8. Click to select Office Registration Cache and OLE Registration Database and drag it to Trash (Don't empty the Trash before the new information is entered).
  9. Restart the Mac.
  10. Launch Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Outlook and click Continue on the first window.
  11. Select Yes or No to the 2 questions on the next window and click Continue.12. Enter the correct user information on the next window.