Error while build project Xcode says : "you don't have permission"

Go up to the folder containing the project in your Finder.

Right Click > Get Info

Go to the bottom of the Info pane, and click the little lock, type in your password when prompted.

Then, change permissions for yourself to read+write.

Click the little gear below, and apply to all enclosed items.

Close the lock once you are finished!

If this doesn't work, Change the value of "Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C" to "Default Compiler (Apple Clang)" under the Build Settings of your target.

The project i have download from the internet don't have the Executable file in info.plist which should be there and its value should be this ${EXECUTABLE_NAME}. Instead of this value it consist some different value. So i have changed it ${EXECUTABLE_NAME} this value then clean->build->run successfully.

None of the answers helped me. Although the build was successful i got the error while trying to run the project. Accidentally while cloning the project, there were no files under the Build Phases -> Compile Sources.This might have happened while working on a team in git.

Files under compile sources may be the entry point to be able to build/run the project.

enter image description here

Once i added the AppDelegate & ViewController file in compile sources i was able to run the project without any error.

enter image description here

Take your Projects build Setting

In Architecture section make sure that Architectures and Valid Architectures are the same. If any extra Architecture is present in Valid Architecture section please remove it and then try building the code, It will work. enter image description here Here in the image edit the section marked as red.