macOS numbers formula range problem

I can't seem to find the equivalent of:


In macOS Numbers app. This statement in a formula tells that the formula should take the cells from H2 to the end of the row into consideration.

I can't set it to a constant value, since the rows are constantly increasing, so I need a dynamic value.

EDIT: This is what I was using in Google Sheets:

=COUNTIF(I3:3, 0)

Solution 1:

As of version version 4.1.1 (4338), unfortunately with Numbers one can define the entire row, but not from a specific column forward.

So, while COUNTIF(I3:3, 0) will resolve to an error, COUNTIF(3:3, 0) will work regardless of the row's length. (Increasing columns)


COUNTIF(row, condition) example

This would be a good feature suggestion for Apple.