Must be possible to filter table names in a single database?

As far as I can tell, the search filter in the navigator will only search available database names, not table names.

If you click on a table name and start typing, it appears that a simple search can be performed beginning with the first letter of the tables.

I'm looking for way to be able to search all table names in a selected database. Sometimes there can be a lot of tables to sort through. It seems like a feature that would likely be there and I can't find it.

Solution 1:

Found out the answer...

If you type for example *.test_table or the schema name instead of the asterisk it will filter them. The key is that the schema/database must be specified in the search query. The asterisk notation works with the table names as well. For example *.*test* will filter any table in any schema with test anywhere in the table name.