Is there a term for the direct opposite?

Suppose I have two words, let's take "true" and "false". "False", is the direct opposite of "truth", and is an antonym of "truth". However, the word I am looking for is not "antonym".

If I was to ask what was the "direct opposite" of "black", the answer would have been "white". What word could have replaced "direct opposite" in this case?

Other examples include "dark" and "light", or "big" to "small". It is true these are antonyms, but these are special antonyms, they are the only ones that are the "equivalent opposites". "big" has other antonyms like "tiny", but "tiny" is the equivalent of "huge". "big"'s equivalent in opposite is "small".

EDIT, The word I am looking for has the meaning of "opposite match"

Solution 1:

try antithesis

  1. Direct contrast; opposition.
  2. The direct or exact opposite

Solution 2:

I don't think you'll find such a single word, apart from… antonym.

True and false are antonyms, and so are black and white (listed as such in the New Oxford American Dictionary and other sources). You can look for synonyms of antonym, but the lists given (opposite, reverse) do not include anything that seems relevant to what you search (so you're a bit unclear).

Solution 3:

The idiomatic term is "diametric opposite." I don't believe there is a single word for this.