Are there any workarounds for the 1 HP bug?

Last night I was playing some Go and I found a gym nearby that I could easily take. Both times I tried fighting it though, the battle timed out because I could not reduce the gym's final mon to 0 HP - it was stubbornly stuck on 1 HP. After speaking to some of my friends, this seems to be a common bug, but it's pretty disheartening for an aspiring gym leader.

While we wait for Niantic to take care of this, are there any workarounds trainers can use to defeat gym leaders?

Solution 1:

The 1HP bug is a result of the servers malfunctioning and not responding to events fast enough (probably as a result of latency and/or server overloads on Niantic's end).

As this is a serverside problem, there is no way for a Trainer to patch and/or otherwise work around the problem at hand.

I would suggest filing a "High Priority" bug report to Niantic through the Settings menu. However, I believe that they are plenty aware of this bug and are attempting to fix it currently.

Solution 2:

This happens when there are server issues, unfortunately we can do nothing but hope Niantic will upgrade their servers.