How to deal with hyper control warrior as an aggressive deck

In my most recent pursuit of getting lvl 60 in each class and working on golden heroes for each class, I find it is fastest to level up and get quick wins using hyper aggressive strategies (rush rogue, face hunter, zoo, etc.).

Even though the strategy of aggro decks seems easy (hit face and sometimes win), I find there are a lot of beneficial trades you can make and styles of play that can completely counter the opponent and/or force them to make bad trades to deal with your onslaught.

The one deck that seems to elude this strategy is the ultra-control warrior. My matchups against other decks with hyper strategies are quite favourable, but if I meet a warrior on ladder as an aggro rogue, it's almost a guaranteed loss. They are able to deal with my early threats and gain armour at the same time. At the end of the day there just isn't a way to keep up with their armour gain.

Just wondering if anyone has specific strategies they use to combat the control warrior matchup as an aggressive deck. While I don't expect to win most of the time (their deck is designed to deal with this type of aggressive strategy), my personal performance against this class in particular is quite poor when I'm playing aggressive decks (particularly aggro rogue).

Edit: Rank is usually around 3 to legend. I do care about rank and am not purely looking for just volume of wins.

On a generalized level, you're asking how to beat something that counters aggresive decks, while playing aggresive decks. Which, in a 'perfect' world, shouldn't happen.

I do have two sidepoints before talking about the extremely advanced aggresive tactics you can use;

1. Alternative

Since you just asked about "aggresive decks", and not your specific rogue deck, I believe Tempo Mage can do well against control warrior, but it's not the ultra aggresive deck (unless you get perfect wyrmWyrmCoinMirror (counter weps) + cheap spells opener) - Maybe Mana Addict would make it more aggresive.

2. Survive to live another day

You didn't mention anything about rank - If rank is irrelevant to you, the easiest solution is to just concede and quickly get to the next fight. Honestly, it's the best option against any deck that just intends to prolong the game forever! It's better to get 2-3 games with decent probability of winning, than hoping you might win that one game.


To answer the "main point" of your question... What strategies to use?

Go face.


Go more face.

enter image description here

And hope he doesn't have brawl.

Honestly, unless you dominate the board, his face AND he doesn't have aoe, you shouldn't win. You need him to draw bad.

... If someone has a better reliable strategy, I'd LOVE to hear it.

As you've noticed this is a very unfavorable match-up. In order to have much hope you need to have a great starting hand (mulligan aggressively for your best 1-2 drops) and a great draw. So then your your best course is to just play assuming that you will get the draws you need and go full face. You need to do this because he will be hitting armor up every turn, and every turn you stall by making a trade is more HP you have to burn through. The only exceptions for trade/removal I can think of offhand are armorsmith and acolyte, as both of those can punish you severely with armor and draw respectively.