World of Warcraft: Efficent Archeaology Fragment Farming

I'm planning on doing a lot of archaeology farming towards a specific faction. I used to be very active in Cataclysm, and I am only starting to get back into archaeology with Warlords of Draenor.

I have noticed that my garrison sometimes gives out fragment hunting missions, but those are so infrequent that I cannot rely on those.

I would like to solve either Warlords of Draenor or Pandaria fragments, ideally for the crates. The faction I'd like to target is heavily mixed with other factions that greatly out-number the faction I want.

For example, If I want to gather Tol'vir fragments. It would be horribly inefficient to fly all over to do night elf dig sites when you can just solve for a crate and get Tol'vir fragments slower but more reliably.

Is there a better way to obtain specific fragments besides farming Warlords of Draenor or Pandaria world dig sites?

Bran Bronzebeard is selling a Mantid Artifact Hunter's Kit which sets all digsite spawns in Pandaria to Mantis fragments.

You can find him atop the Mogushan Palace where the Lorekeepers are located.

You need to be exalted with the Lorekeepers to buy this Item. (Thanks for pointing that out)

With that you can farm Restored Artifacts to buy your Tolvir fragments from him.