Apple Sierra deleted GarageBand still taking up 1.76G of space!

I have followed all of the other thread suggestions to remove the majority of GarageBand files from my MacBook Air (How to completely remove Garage Band from macOS?), short of reinstalling the app and using a third-party app uninstaller to do a sweep. I'm at a loss as to where this +1G of space is being hogged.

enter image description here

I never "bought" the app, it was already installed when I bought my laptop. I do not use GarageBand or any related app (Logic).

I have emptied the /Audio and /Audio Loop folders. I have deleted all Receipts. I have even used Terminal to find any mention of GarageBand, which only came up with 4 very small files stored in the /PrivateFrameworks folder which cannot be deleted.

What else can I do to get my 1.76G of space back? I couldn't care less if it was on my desktop Mac, but my portable workspace needs all the storage space I can give it, and I hate having it wasted on something I do not nor never will use!

Thanks for any additional input you can give on this.

Solution 1:

OK so.... after posting this, on a whim I decided restarting my laptop to see if that purged anything extra, even though it was still showing the 1.76G being used. I didn't think it would make any difference, but I suddenly remembered that was always worth a try when dealing with things like this.

Gonna answer my own question by saying, once you've actually followed the above linked-thread, restart your computer!

Storage Management now shows Zero KB of space being used for "Music Creation". GarageBand is no longer the space hog it was. Huzzah!