HP ProLiant system preparation/deployment techniques (Array, BIOS, firmware, etc.)

Solution 1:

Yes, the entire process can be automated.

(1a) Array config: Assuming you have a stripped down proliant support pack you can do the logical drive config in the %pre section of kickstart with hpacucli.

(1b) Firmware updates: HP supplies all the firmware updates as Linux executables. I wrote a shell script that scans the hardware and updates the firmware. You could do this in the %post section of the kickstart file (though I did it at first boot because I found the chroot'ed environment somewhat wonky).

(2) Once you have installed the PSP you can configure the ilo with hponcfg.

(3) The BIOS can be configured with hp-conrep or g8+ use hp-rcu. (I have not used this.)

HP has a framework for this (though I don't use it): "HP SmartStart Scripting Toolkit Linux Edition", for details have a look at the user guide pdf.

Solution 2:

I managed to get mostly there and then changed jobs. One of the last things I did was to install a linux distro that'll run the HP utilities to an 8GB USB stick. Then boot to the USB stick. The biggest thing this gives me is the full ACU GUI for the fine-grained array set-up I'd need to do, or an execution environment for hpacucli scripts.

The same setup could be used to slip in all the myriad firmware updates that need doing.