How to hold a package back from being upgraded? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

As your question is tagged synaptic, I'll assume that this you package manager of choice. In order to hold a package back with synaptic, you simply need to "lock the version."

Find and select the package you wish to hold back. Then go to Package > Lock Version in the menu bar.


When you are ready to upgrade that package, simply highlight the package and un-check "Lock Version." It can now be upgraded normally.

If you like to do this from the command line, you can use dpkg --set-selections

echo package_name hold | sudo dpkg --set-selections

To remove the hold, run:

echo package_name install | sudo dpkg --set-selections

Solution 2:

The best resource I know of for explaining the different ways to accomplish this kind of package hold is on the Ubuntu Pinning How-to page . I really recommend checking it out. It describes several ways to do this in addition to using the Synaptic lock as andrew has detailed.

There are solutions to closely related problems in several threads on askubuntu.

Is There a Way to Disable Kernel Updates?

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