How do you open a .vce file in Ubuntu 12.04?

I have a .vce file to open. Does someone know which app(s) is needed to view this file in Ubuntu 12.04?

VCE extensions can be open with the Visual CertExam Manager. It is a great application to use when preparing for any type of exams.

  1. First you have to install wine .

  2. Then install Visual CertExam Manager

    -download it first (using above link)

    -go to the downloaded folder and right click to the


    and select

    open with wine windows program loader

    -do the steps they ask.(simply now VCE installed)

  3. Now go to the place that .vce file is in and open it through wine(right click /open with wine).

Hello if you want to open the VCE File in Ubuntu then there are a web based VCE exam simulator which will help you to edit and create the VCE file. You can also convert the VCE to PDF for the better experience. The web-based VCE exam simulator us So, try it I hope the above information will be more helpful for you.

Thank You Technosoups

You'd have to pay for full functionality, but there is an otherwise simple web-based solution:

Just upload the file as it says there. You can take the exam in your browser and/or download it as a PDF. But if you don't pay, only the first four questions are visible unfortunately.