Simplicial homology of real projective space by Mayer-Vietoris
This is not really an answer to your question, and I'm not sure how your original attempt went, but one has to be careful when taking homology of colimit diagrams of $spaces$. Homology commutes (up to natural iso) with colimits in the category of chain complexes. This is not necessarily true of the composite functor $Top \overset{S_{*}}{\to} Ch_{+} \overset{H}{\to} Ab_{gr}$. Here $S_{*}$ is the functor which assigns to each space, its singular chain complex and $Ab_{gr}$ is the category of graded abelian groups. This is true, however, for $filtered$ colimits. In particular, if $X=\bigcup_{p}X_{p}$, then $$H_{*}(X)\simeq \lim_{\leftarrow}H_{*}(X_{p}).$$ What I'm saying is, more precisely, that the coequalizer diagram $S^{n}\substack{ \overset{\alpha}\to \\ \to} S^{n}$ is not a filtered colimit. You cannot therefore conclude that the coequalizer of $H_{*}(S^{n})\substack{\to \\ \to}H_{*}(S^{n})$ is isomorphic to the homology of $\mathbf{R}P^{n}$. Maybe you already knew this, but I was just pointing it out if you had not considered the point.