Why is the length of this string longer than the number of characters in it?
Everyone else is giving the surface answer, but there's a deeper rationale too: the number of "characters" is a difficult-to-define question and can be surprisingly expensive to compute, whereas a length property should be fast.
Why is it difficult to define? Well, there's a few options and none are really more valid than another:
The number of code units (bytes or other fixed size data chunk; C# and Windows typically use UTF-16 so it returns the number of two-byte pieces) is certainly relevant, as the computer still needs to deal with the data in that form for many purposes (writing to a file, for example, cares about bytes rather than characters)
The number of Unicode codepoints is fairly easy to compute (although O(n) because you gotta scan the string for surrogate pairs) and might matter to a text editor.... but isn't actually the same thing as the number of characters printed on screen (called graphemes). For example, some accented letters can be represented in two forms: a single codepoint, or two points paired together, one representing the letter, and one saying "add an accent to my partner letter". Would the pair be two characters or one? You can normalize strings to help with this, but not all valid letters have a single codepoint representation.
Even the number of graphemes isn't the same as the length of a printed string, which depends on the font among other factors, and since some characters are printed with some overlap in many fonts (kerning), the length of a string on screen is not necessarily equal to the sum of the length of graphemes anyway!
Some Unicode points aren't even characters in the traditional sense, but rather some kind of control marker. Like a byte order marker or a right-to-left indicator. Do these count?
In short, the length of a string is actually a ridiculously complex question and calculating it can take a lot of CPU time as well as data tables.
Moreover, what's the point? Why does these metrics matter? Well, only you can answer that for your case, but personally, I find they are generally irrelevant. Limiting data entry I find is more logically done by byte limits, as that's what needs to be transferred or stored anyway. Limiting display size is better done by the display side software - if you have 100 pixels for the message, how many characters you fit depends on the font, etc., which isn't known by the data layer software anyway. Finally, given the complexity of the unicode standard, you're probably going to have bugs at the edge cases anyway if you try anything else.
So it is a hard question with not a lot of general purpose use. Number of code units is trivial to calculate - it is just the length of the underlying data array - and the most meaningful/useful as a general rule, with a simple definition.
That's why b
has length 4
beyond the surface explanation of "because the documentation says so".
From the documentation of the String.Length
The Length property returns the number of Char objects in this instance, not the number of Unicode characters. The reason is that a Unicode character might be represented by more than one Char. Use the System.Globalization.StringInfo class to work with each Unicode character instead of each Char.
Your character at index 1 in "A𠈓C"
is a SurrogatePair
The key point to remember is that surrogate pairs represent 32-bit single characters.
You can try this code and it will return True
Console.WriteLine(char.IsSurrogatePair("A𠈓C", 1));
Char.IsSurrogatePair Method (String, Int32)
if the s parameter includes adjacent characters at positions index and index + 1, and the numeric value of the character at position index ranges from U+D800 through U+DBFF, and the numeric value of the character at position index+1 ranges from U+DC00 through U+DFFF; otherwise,false
This is further explained in String.Length property:
The Length property returns the number of Char objects in this instance, not the number of Unicode characters. The reason is that a Unicode character might be represented by more than one Char. Use the System.Globalization.StringInfo class to work with each Unicode character instead of each Char.
As the other answers have pointed out, even if there are 3 visible character they are represented with 4 char
objects. Which is why the Length
is 4 and not 3.
MSDN states that
The Length property returns the number of Char objects in this instance, not the number of Unicode characters.
However if what you really want to know is the number of "text elements" and not the number of Char
objects you can use the StringInfo
var si = new StringInfo("A𠈓C");
Console.WriteLine(si.LengthInTextElements); // 3
You can also enumerate each text element like this
var enumerator = StringInfo.GetTextElementEnumerator("A𠈓C");
Using foreach
on the string will split the middle "letter" in two char
objects and the printed result won't correspond to the string.