How do you lengthen a redstone button signal in Minecraft?
I made a little redstone circuit to open a door (using pistons) with a button, but I was wondering how I could make the door stay open a little longer. I don't want to use a lever as I want it to close automatically after.
I thought of running parallel redstone delayers, with gradual delays, but I wanted to know if there is something more compact?
Solution 1:
The words compact and Redstone don't usually go together :) There could be something simpler than this, probably using some weird combination of water, pistons, and chewing gum, but this is the best I can come up with: a basic delay circuit (from the wiki):
In the screenshot, there is actually a pressure plate on the right, bit hard to see. I prefer not to use buttons, when running for my life. :)
Solution 2:
If you need a really long delay, you can use my personal favourite design, created by Minecraftaddict.
This circuit is featured in this video of his. I think the design is nice because you can make the delay a lot longer, simply by extending the part with repeaters. Unfortunately, this circuit does not involve chewing gum either.
Also, in case anybody else who visits this question needs a very long delay, here is another circuit that provides an even longer delay (this is probably the most delay you'll ever need):
Solution 3:
A wooden button will give a longer delay than a stone button*. If you want even longer then I suggest a pulse extender which are all over the other answers.
Rt = Redstone ticks:
- Stone button = 10Rt (1s)
- Wooden button = 15Rt (1.5s)
Solution 4:
The simplest way I've found is to hook button number 1 up to a dispenser full of arrows which shoots at button number 2. The arrow hits button number 2 and despawns after 1 minute, extending the timing of your button to a minute.