What ultimates can be damage boosted by Mercy? [duplicate]

What ultimates can be damage boosted by Mercy?

We already know that D.va's ultimate can be damage boosted by Mercy, but are there other ultimates that can be damage boosted by Mercy? Can all ultimates be damage boosted by Mercy?

I'm answering the question as to which ultimates can be buffed, not which ones should be.

  • Bastion's Tank mode
  • D.Va's Self-Destruct
  • Genji's Dragonblade
  • Hanzo's Dragonstrike (As confirmed by Kim below)
  • McCree's Deadeye (Lethal damage achieved faster)
  • Pharah's Barrage
  • Reaper's Death Blossom
  • Reinhardt's Earthshatter
  • Roadhog's Whole Hog
  • Soldier 76's Tactical Visor
  • Winston's Primal Rage

I've left out the following as I'm not sure:

  • Mei's Blizzard (The value of this ult is not in it's damage anyway)
  • Tracer's Pulse Bomb

Expanding on Shaffanhoon's answer, I've put together a more complete list of which ultimates are affected by Mercy's damage buff.

Ultimates affected by Mercy's damage boost

  • Bastion's Tank Mode
  • D.Va's Self-Destruct1 (Source)
  • Genji's Dragonblade
  • Hanzo's Dragonstrike
  • McCree's Deadeye2 (Source)
  • Pharah's Rocket Barrage
  • Reaper's Death Blossom
  • Reinhardt's Earthshatter
  • Roadhog's Whole Hog3
  • Soldier 76's Tactical Visor
  • Tracer's Pulse Bomb (Source)
  • Winston's Primal Rage3

Ultimates that stack with Mercy's damage boost

  • Ana's Nano Boost
  • Orisa's Supercharge

Ultimates NOT affected by Mercy's damage boost

  • Junkrat's RIP-Tire (Source)
  • Torbjörn's Molten Core


  • D.Va's Call Mech
  • Mei's Blizzard
  • Zarya's Graviton Surge

N/A (Ultimates that don't do any damage)

  • Lucio's Sound Barrier
  • Mercy's Resurrect
  • Sombra's EMP
  • Symmetra's Teleporter and Shield Generator
  • Widowmaker's Infra-Sight
  • Zenyatta's Transcendence


  • Reddit - Mercy's damage boost works on almost everything as long as the boost is applied when the target RECEIVES the damage
  • Reddit - Myself and some friends tested some more Mercy damage boost myths!
  • What ultimates can be damage boosted by Mercy?
  • Is D.Va's ultimate affected by Mercy's damage boost?

See Also

  • What projectiles can Genji deflect?
  • What Attacks Can D.Va's Shield Block (or Not Block)?
  • What do damage buffs affect?


1Beam must be on mechless D.Va to boost explosion damage. See Is D.Va's ultimate affected by Mercy's damage boost?.
2Deadeye's red circle and skull indicators will reflect the damage buff. Indicators revert to normal damage if buff is removed before firing.
3Knockback is not affected.