Where's .bashrc for root?

Solution 1:

Probably best to put them in ~/.bashrc . It seems root doesn't get the normal ones by default in some distros, but you just cp /etc/skel/.bash* ~ to fix that.

Solution 2:

How about the home dir of root that is /root/?

From some aspects, root is just another user (just better, and allowed more). root has a home dir, but it is not like the other users in /home/, but simply /root/ so root:s .bashrc is therefore /root/.bashrc

The ones in /etc is system specific settings for all users, including root.

Thanks to grawity to point out that you can use ~root points to the root home dir, regardless of where it is.

You can test that with

$> echo  ~root

So even thou /root will work on 99% on the systems out there ~root is probably more portable and will probably work on 100%.
