How to join two CSV files?

Suppose you have one CSV file with 2 fields: ID and email. You have another file with 2 fields: email and name. How can you produce a file with all three fields joined on email?


You must sort both lists on email alphabetically, then join. Given that the email field the 2nd field of file1 and the 1st field of file2:

sort -t , -k 2,2 file1.csv > sort1.csv
sort -t , -k 1,1 file2.csv > sort2.csv
join -t , -1 2 -2 1 sort1.csv sort2.csv > sort3.csv

parameter meaning

-t ,   : ',' is the field separator
-k 2,2 : character sort on 2nd field
-k 1,1 : character sort on 1st field
-1 2   : file 1, 2nd field
-2 1   : file 2, 1st field
>      : output to file



sorted by email alphabetically.

Note that if any email is missing from either file it will be omitted from the results.

Use csvkit:

csvjoin -c email id_email.csv email_name.csv


csvjoin -c 2,1 id_email.csv email_name.csv