Linux: what is a most convenient way to see the content of .jar file

What is a most convenient way to see the content of .jar file w/o using unzip/untar commands? What I'd like to do - is to browsing inside using cd command like it is the usual folder, seeing content, size of classes - 'ls -la'.

MC allowed to do so on the fly. Is there are any ease-in-use alternative?

Use the jar tool that comes with the Java SDK for listing contents of a jar file. As described in

$ jar tvf jarfile.jar

Use vim to view and edit the contents of a jar file without extracting:

Open the jar in vim like this:

vim rabbitmq-client.jar

You are presented with a list of files:

1 " zip.vim version v22
2 " Browsing zipfile /var/www/sandbox/eric/rabbitmq-client.jar
3 " Select a file with cursor and press ENTER
7 com/
8 com/rabbitmq/
9 com/rabbitmq/client/
10 com/rabbitmq/client/impl/
11 com/rabbitmq/client/impl/recovery/
12 com/rabbitmq/tools/
13 com/rabbitmq/tools/json/
14 com/rabbitmq/tools/jsonrpc/
15 com/rabbitmq/utility/

Put the cursor over the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and press Enter. You see this:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.8.2
Created-By: 1.6.0_31-b31 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Export-Package: com.rabbitmq.client;version="3.3.5";uses:="com.rabbitm
Bundle-Vendor: SpringSource
Bundle-Version: 3.3.5
Tool: Bundlor 1.0.0.RELEASE
Bundle-Name: RabbitMQ Java AMQP client library
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-SymbolicName: com.rabbitmq.client

Name: rabbitmq-client
Specification-Title: AMQP
Specification-Version: 0.9.1
Specification-Vendor: AMQP Working Group (
Implementation-Title: RabbitMQ
Implementation-Version: 3.3.5
Implementation-Vendor: Rabbit Technologies Ltd. (

Change a few lines using normal vim editing commands.

press 'i' to enter insert mode
edit your lines
press :wq<enter> to write and quit

You are taken back to a list of files in the jar, quit out.

:q <enter>

Check to see if it the changes are permanent:

Follow the above steps again to inspect the file again, 
the change should still be there.