Web service differences between REST and RPC

Consider the following example of HTTP APIs that model orders being placed in a restaurant.

  • The RPC API thinks in terms of "verbs", exposing the restaurant functionality as function calls that accept parameters, and invokes these functions via the HTTP verb that seems most appropriate - a 'get' for a query, and so on, but the name of the verb is purely incidental and has no real bearing on the actual functionality, since you're calling a different URL each time. Return codes are hand-coded, and part of the service contract.
  • The REST API, in contrast, models the various entities within the problem domain as resources, and uses HTTP verbs to represent transactions against these resources - POST to create, PUT to update, and GET to read. All of these verbs, invoked on the same URL, provide different functionality. Common HTTP return codes are used to convey status of the requests.

Placing an Order:

  • RPC: http://MyRestaurant:8080/Orders/PlaceOrder (POST: {Tacos object})
  • REST: http://MyRestaurant:8080/Orders/Order?OrderNumber=asdf (POST: {Tacos object})

Retrieving an Order:

  • RPC: http://MyRestaurant:8080/Orders/GetOrder?OrderNumber=asdf (GET)
  • REST: http://MyRestaurant:8080/Orders/Order?OrderNumber=asdf (GET)

Updating an Order:

  • RPC: http://MyRestaurant:8080/Orders/UpdateOrder (PUT: {Pineapple Tacos object})
  • REST: http://MyRestaurant:8080/Orders/Order?OrderNumber=asdf (PUT: {Pineapple Tacos object})

Example taken from sites.google.com/site/wagingguerillasoftware/rest-series/what-is-restful-rest-vs-rpc

You can't make a clear separation between REST or RPC just by looking at what you posted.

One constraint of REST is that it has to be stateless. If you have a session then you have state so you can't call your service RESTful.

The fact that you have an action in your URL (i.e. getAllData) is an indication towards RPC. In REST you exchange representations and the operation you perform is dictated by the HTTP verbs. Also, in REST, Content negotiation isn't performed with a ?p={JSON} parameter.

Don't know if your service is RPC, but it is not RESTful. You can learn about the difference online, here's an article to get you started: Debunking the Myths of RPC & REST. You know better what's inside your service so compare it's functions to what RPC is and draw your own conclusions.

As others have said, a key difference is that REST is noun-centric and RPC is verb-centric. I just wanted to include this clear table of examples demonstrating that:

 Operation                 | RPC (operation)                     | REST (resource)
 Signup                    | POST /signup                        | POST /persons           
 Resign                    | POST /resign                        | DELETE /persons/1234    
 Read person               | GET /readPerson?personid=1234       | GET /persons/1234       
 Read person's items list  | GET /readUsersItemsList?userid=1234 | GET /persons/1234/items 
 Add item to person's list | POST /addItemToUsersItemsList       | POST /persons/1234/items
 Update item               | POST /modifyItem                    | PUT /items/456          
 Delete item               | POST /removeItem?itemId=456         | DELETE /items/456       


  • As the table shows, REST tends to use URL path parameters to identify specific resources
    (e.g. GET /persons/1234), whereas RPC tends to use query parameters for function inputs
    (e.g. GET /readPerson?personid=1234).
  • Not shown in the table is how a REST API would handle filtering, which would typically involve query parameters (e.g. GET /persons?height=tall).
  • Also not shown is how with either system, when you do create/update operations, additional data is probably passed in via the message body (e.g. when you do POST /signup or POST /persons, you include data describing the new person).
  • Of course, none of this is set in stone, but it gives you an idea of what you are likely to encounter and how you might want to organize your own API for consistency. For further discussion of REST URL design, see this question.

It is RPC using http. A correct implementation of REST should be different from RPC. To have a logic to process data, like a method/function, is RPC. getAllData() is an intelligent method. REST cannot have intelligence, it should be dump data that can be queried by an external intelligence.

Most implementation I have seen these days are RPC but many mistakenly call it as REST. REST with HTTP is the saviour and SOAP with XML the villain. So your confusion is justified and you are right, it is not REST. But keep in mind that REST is not new(2000) eventhough SOAP/XML is old, json-rpc came later(2005).

Http protocol does not make an implementation of REST. Both REST(GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) and RPC(GET + POST) can be developed through HTTP(eg:through a web API project in visual studio).

Fine, but what is REST then? Richardson maturity model is given below(summarized). Only level 3 is RESTful.

  • Level 0: Http POST
  • Level 1: each resource/entity has a URI (but still only POST)
  • Level 2: Both POST and GET can be used
  • Level 3(RESTful): Uses HATEOAS (hyper media links) or in other words self exploratory links

eg: level 3(HATEOAS):

  1. Link states this object can be updated this way, and added this way.

  2. Link states this object can only be read and this is how we do it.

    Clearly, sending data is not enough to become REST, but how to query the data, should be mentioned too. But then again, why the 4 steps? Why can't it be just Step 4 and call it REST? Richardson just gave us a step by step approach to get there, that is all.

You've built web sites that can be used by humans. But can you also build web sites that are usable by machines? That's where the future lies, and RESTful Web Services shows you how to do it.

  • This book RESTful Web Services helps
  • A very interesting read RPC vs REST