Add "ON DELETE CASCADE" to existing column in Laravel

I have user_id fk column in my table


I should add on cascade delete feature to this existing column. How can I do this?

Drop foreign key first. Thanks to Razor for this tip


In my case, i'll need to put the col name in an array else that will be an error.

Schema::table('transactions', function (Blueprint $table) {

mysql 5.7 ver


Laravel schema builder can't modify columns at the current state, so you will use raw queries. You will have to drop and recreate the constraint:


function up()
    DB::statement('alter table answers drop constraint answers_user_id_foreign,
                   add constraint answers_user_id_foreign
                   foreign key (user_id)
                   references users(id)
                   on delete cascade;'
function down()
    DB::statement('alter table answers drop constraint answers_user_id_foreign,
                   add constraint answers_user_id_foreign
                   foreign key (user_id)
                   references users(id);'


function up()
    DB::statement('alter table answers drop FOREIGN KEY answers_user_id_foreign;');
    DB::statement('alter table answers add constraint answers_user_id_foreign
                   foreign key (user_id)
                   references users(id)
                   on delete cascade;'
function down()
    DB::statement('alter table answers drop FOREIGN KEY answers_user_id_foreign;');
    DB::statement('alter table answers add constraint answers_user_id_foreign
                   foreign key (user_id)
                   references users(id);'

Thanks for question answer. Help me get to this working code in L5.1 :

public function up()
    Schema::table('transactions', function (Blueprint $table) {

    Schema::table('orders', function (Blueprint $table) {