Loading Minecraft Using a Single Button or CLI

Im just wondering and searching for a way to launch minecraft from a single button or cli for a project im doing which is creating a simple launcher that will load into my server. Please help because there are alot of topics and none of theme are self explanatory.

edited For right now, using minecraft:\ServerIPAddress (ie: minecraft:\mcgoogle.freehost.com), will work but only if you have Bedrock(all versions except Java) installed.

i don't think this is rightfully possible. when you load Minecraft, the Launcher downloads all the assets etc. on load to prevent unneeded space wasted-- then Minecraft takes the time to load the world when you tell it to rather than pre-loading it on boot. that being said, if you can somehow bypass this loading sequence (which i imagine with the Launcher version they made when Microsoft acquired Mojang is very difficult), then i would assume that you could tell it to just up and load it all.