How to check if Receiver is registered in Android?

I need to check if my registered receiver is still registered if not how do i check it any methods?

There is no API function to check if a receiver is registered. The workaround is to put your code in a try catch block as done below.

try {

 //Register or UnRegister your broadcast receiver here

} catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {


I am not sure the API provides directly an API, if you consider this thread:

I was wondering the same thing.
In my case I have a BroadcastReceiver implementation that calls Context#unregisterReceiver(BroadcastReceiver) passing itself as the argument after handling the Intent that it receives.
There is a small chance that the receiver's onReceive(Context, Intent) method is called more than once, since it is registered with multiple IntentFilters, creating the potential for an IllegalArgumentException being thrown from Context#unregisterReceiver(BroadcastReceiver).

In my case, I can store a private synchronized member to check before calling Context#unregisterReceiver(BroadcastReceiver), but it would be much cleaner if the API provided a check method.

simplest solution

in receiver:

public class MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {   
    public boolean isRegistered;

    * register receiver
    * @param context - Context
    * @param filter - Intent Filter
    * @return see Context.registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver,IntentFilter)
    public Intent register(Context context, IntentFilter filter) {
        try {
              // ceph3us note:
              // here I propose to create 
              // a isRegistered(Contex) method 
              // as you can register receiver on different context  
              // so you need to match against the same one :) 
              // example  by storing a list of weak references  
              // see LoadedApk.class - receiver dispatcher 
              // its and ArrayMap there for example 
              return !isRegistered 
                     ? context.registerReceiver(this, filter) 
                     : null;
            } finally {
               isRegistered = true;

     * unregister received
     * @param context - context
     * @return true if was registered else false
     public boolean unregister(Context context) {
         // additional work match on context before unregister
         // eg store weak ref in register then compare in unregister 
         // if match same instance
         return isRegistered 
                    && unregisterInternal(context);

     private boolean unregisterInternal(Context context) {
         isRegistered = false;
         return true;

    // rest implementation  here 
    // or make this an abstract class as template :)

in code:

MyReceiver myReceiver = new MyReceiver();
myReceiver.register(Context, IntentFilter); // register 
myReceiver.unregister(Context); // unregister 

ad 1

-- in reply to:

This really isn't that elegant because you have to remember to set the isRegistered flag after you register. – Stealth Rabbi

-- "more ellegant way" added method in receiver to register and set flag

this won't work If you restart the device or if your app got killed by OS. – amin 6 hours ago

@amin - see lifetime of in code (not system registered by manifest entry) registered receiver :)