How to change background color in the Notepad++ text editor?

Does anyone know how to change the background color, font size, and other appearance-based settings in Notepad++? The default is white but I am trying to change it into a dark gray or something else.

Go to Settings -> Style Configurator

Select Theme: Choose whichever you like best (the top two are easiest to read by most people's preference)

You may need admin access to do it on your system.

  1. Create a folder 'themes' in the Notepad++ installation folder i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++
  2. Search or visit pages like to download the favourite theme. It will be an XML file.
    • Note: I prefer Neon any day.
  3. Download the themes from the site and drag them to the themes folder.
    • Note: I was unable to copy-paste or create new files in 'themes' folder so I used drag and that worked.
  4. Follow the steps provided by @triforceofcourage to select the new theme in Notepad++ preferences.