In an If-Else Statement for a method return, should an Else be explicitly stated if it can instead be implicitly followed?

Solution 1:

It's really a matter of style and what you (and those you work with) find to be clearer. In general, I personally find the structure:

if( a )
   someResult = doSomething();
else if( b )
   someResult = doSomethingElse();
   someResult = doSomethingAnyways();

return someResult;

clearer than:

if( a )
    return doSomething();
if( b )
    return doSomethingElse();
return doSomethingAnyways();

Solution 2:

I tend to prefer something like this to returning hard values.

static bool SomeFunc(string arg)
    bool result = false;

    if (arg.Length < 10)
        result = true;
    else if (arg.StartsWith("foo"))
        result = true;

    if (!result && arg.EndsWith("foo"))
        result = true;

    return result;

Solution 3:

Whatever expresses your intention best and/or is most readable.

All the following options are perfectly valid:

if (condition1)
    return true;
if (condition2)
    return true;
if (condition3)
    return true;
return false;


if (condition1)
    return true;
else if (condition2)
    return true;
else if (condition3)
    return true;
    return false;


return condition1
    || condition2
    || condition3;

I tend to use the first two options if the conditions are non-trivial or if there are multiple statements in the if branch. The last option can give much more concise code if the conditions aren't to complex.

Solution 4:

Personally, I generally prefer to use the ELSE because I think it makes the intent clearer. If you write

if (sensorScan()==ENEMY)
  return FIRE_PHASERS;

it is clear to the reader that you are dealing with two branches coming out of one condition. Sure, in a trivial case like this where each branch is just one line, that might be obvious anyway. But in real life you often have a block of many lines of code inside the IF and many conditions, so it might well not be immediately obvious to a reader that every block ends with a return and the last block is therefore only executed when all previous conditions are false.

One exception I make to this practice is when the code is deeply nested. When it starts crawling too far across the page, I often find it more readable to remove the ELSEs.

Another excpetion is when one condition is an odd case and the other condition is the main-line. Yes, this is completely subjective, but in such cases I prefer to put the main-line outside the ELSE when possible.