Noun form of "affected", meaning things that are affected by X
Solution 1:
I think that subject would work in such a sentence:
A, B and C are important because they are the common subjects to process X.
Solution 2:
Here are a few proposals to help you express your ideas in your thesis.
A, B and C are important because they are the common reformates of process X. (Borrowed from chemistry.)
A, B and C are important because they are simultaneously affected by process X.
A, B and C are important because they are the common processes affected by X. (I don't know if A, B and C are processes, but whatever they are, that's the word to put after "common.")
A, B and C are important because they are the common products of process X.
Modelling your situation as a directed graph could be helpful. Draw a directed graph with arrows going from X to A, X to B, and X to C. Explain that an arrow pointing from vertex P to vertex Q will mean that process P affects process Q. Then you can say that A, B and C are important because they are the terminal vertices of X.