"If I am getting late"

Is it correct to say "If I am getting late, I will let you know"? The Conditional rules don't say anything about continuous tense. In addition, what would be a better way of conveying the same message?

Solution 1:

There is nothing wrong with using the continuous tense here. The reason your example sounds odd to native English speakers is that the idiom you want is "running late" rather than "getting late". We use "getting late" to mean that time has been passing, and the hour of the day is becoming late. We use "running late" to say that somebody (or something) is behind in their schedule. For instance:

It's getting late. I should go home now; we can finish this tomorrow.

I'm running late. Can we meet at 12:30 rather than noon?

So the correct way of phrasing your sentence is:

If I am running late, I will let you know.

Solution 2:

It would be better to say:

If I'm going to be late, I will let you know.