How many MB of data are downloaded while installing Ubuntu 12.10 via internet connection?

I am in a hostel that offers 300-1000MB codes of free internet. I know that I can just install via a Boot CD or USB without an internet connection, but I'm wondering if I will be able to install directly from the internet with my currently limited resources.

I am not asking how large the installer and I am not asking if I can install Ubuntu without the internet.

Can anyone tell me how much data is downloaded while installing from the internet?

Will updates be a significant portion of the downloaded data? Could I do those updates once I am in a new location next week?

Solution 1:

As my experience, there are about 200 MB for language packs (will be different for different languages) and 200-300 MB for updates if you have checked the box in the step preparing to install.

Since it may takes long time to download and install new packages, I recommend you to install Ubuntu without any Internet connections. It will be installed in about 10 minutes only. After you installed it succesfully, you can run Software Updater to see the available updates and their sizes, then if you have a limited Internet traffic, you can choose between them to be installed. And if your language is English, you can ignore language packs as well.