How to tell which planet is habitable in Stellaris?

The Empire is still young and need to grow, fast.

Our admirals need to know which planet is habitable to plane our next domination move and send colony ships.

Currently, they are iterating each planet (50~60 planets), remembering which one is habitable, this is a tedious work.

Is there a better way to tell which planet is habitable?

Solution 1:

If you turn on the full details option (checkmark in the lower right-hand corner of the screen), then any system with potentially habitable worlds will have a world-shaped icon next to it on the galaxy map.

Red worlds can't be colonized yet due to a lack of technology. Yellow and green worlds can be colonized, with green worlds having better habitability. I think the threshold for green is 70%. This is calculated based on the best rating among all the races in your empire.

Hovering over the icon will give you a tooltip with details on which worlds are in the system and their habitability rating.

Solution 2:

You can only get basic info in the release version. When the Clarke Update gets released the new tooltip (linked below) for systems with habitable worlds will include better information, habitability rating, size, and world type.