shopt command not found in .bashrc after shell updation

Solution 1:

zsh uses env profile ~/.zshrc, not ~/.bashrc.

so you need to append your env settings to .zshrc file and then

source ~/.zshrc

It must work.

rbenv github link

Solution 2:

To place anything in ~/.bashrc:

Switch to bash:

exec bash


source ~/.bashrc

Switching to bash will not effect on new terminal window. But if you want to switch current window to zsh.

Switch to zsh:

exec zsh


Solution 3:

shopt is not a command, but a shell built-in. bash knows what to do with it because it's a bash built-in , but zsh has no idea what it is. You'll want to look into setopt which is a zsh built-in, and put those values into a new .zshrc script.

Solution 4:

Make an alias of shopt and call it through zsh

A quick solution is described here:

sudo vi /usr/bin/shopt

Inside the shopt

for item in $@
    args="$args $item";
shopt $args;

make it executable

sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/shopt

Create an alias in your .zshrc

echo "alias shopt='/usr/bin/shopt'" >> ~/.zshrc

Solution 5:

Your bashrc file was written for bash. zsh is not bash.

I'm surprised zsh is trying to load your .bashrc at all.

If it isn't and you are sourcing it manually (from .profile or similar). Stop doing that.

Then you get to write an appropriate zsh init file instead.

If you want to use zsh then you need to use zsh and not bash.

shopt is a bash-ism.

[[ is a bash-ism.