Is there a way to get current activity's layout and views via adb?

Solution 1:

Use adb shell uiautomator dump command:

Usage: uiautomator <subcommand> [options]

Available subcommands:

help: displays help message

runtest: executes UI automation tests
    runtest <class spec> [options]
    <class spec>: <JARS> < -c <CLASSES> | -e class <CLASSES> >
      <JARS>: a list of jar files containing test classes and dependencies. If
        the path is relative, it's assumed to be under /data/local/tmp. Use
        absolute path if the file is elsewhere. Multiple files can be
        specified, separated by space.
      <CLASSES>: a list of test class names to run, separated by comma. To
        a single method, use TestClass#testMethod format. The -e or -c option
        may be repeated. This option is not required and if not provided then
        all the tests in provided jars will be run automatically.
      --nohup: trap SIG_HUP, so test won't terminate even if parent process
               is terminated, e.g. USB is disconnected.
      -e debug [true|false]: wait for debugger to connect before starting.
      -e runner [CLASS]: use specified test runner class instead. If
        unspecified, framework default runner will be used.
      -e <NAME> <VALUE>: other name-value pairs to be passed to test classes.
        May be repeated.
      -e outputFormat simple | -s: enabled less verbose JUnit style output.

dump: creates an XML dump of current UI hierarchy
    dump [--verbose][file]
      [--compressed]: dumps compressed layout information.
      [file]: the location where the dumped XML should be stored, default is

events: prints out accessibility events until terminated

By default it dumps the views hierarchy to $EXTERNAL_STORAGE/window_dump.xml

adb shell uiautomator dump
UI hierchary dumped to: /sdcard/window_dump.xml

Usually you would want to pull that file to your PC for further processing which would be an extra step. But there is a neat trick which allows to combine dumping and pulling into a single command. Using /dev/tty as a dump destination would make a single command which would print the whole dump to the stdout:

adb exec-out uiautomator dump /dev/tty
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><hierarchy rotation="0"><node ...></node></hierarchy>UI hierchary dumped to: /dev/tty

Solution 2:

AndroidViewClient/culebra's dump tool lets you do precisely that. AndroidViewClient can be used as a library and also provides some tools like dump and culebra.

usage: dump [OPTION]... [serialno]

  -H, --help                       prints this help                             
  -V, --verbose                    verbose comments                             
  -v, --version
  -I, --ignore-secure-device       ignore secure device                         
  -E, --ignore-version-check       ignores ADB version check                    
  -F, --force-view-server-use      force view server use (even if UiAutomator present:w)
  -S, --do-not-start-view-server   don't start ViewServer                       
  -k, --do-not-ignore-uiautomator-killed don't ignore UiAutomator killed              
  -w, --window=WINDOW              dump WINDOW content (default: -1, all windows)
  -a, --all                        dump all information about Views             
  -i, --uniqueId                   dump View unique IDs                         
  -x, --position                   dump View positions                          
  -b, --bounds                     dump View bounds                             
  -d, --content-description        dump View content descriptions               
  -g, --tag                        dump View tags                               
  -c, --center                     dump View centers                            
  -f, --save-screenshot=FILE       save screenshot to file                      
  -W, --save-view-screenshots=DIR  save View screenshots to files in directory  
  -D, --do-not-dump-views          don't dump views, only useful if you specified -f or -W
  -A, --device-art=MODEL           device art model to frame screenshot (auto: autodetected)
  -Z, --drop-shadow                drop shadow for device art screenshot        
  -B, --glare                      screen glare over screenshot                 
  -h, --use-uiautomator-helper     use UiAutomatorHelper Android app            
  -X, --debug=LIST                 debug options 

running dump with no options, just prints the tree of Views and some of its basic properties, like ID

         android.widget.TextView May 1
         android.widget.TextView MONDAY, 2017
      android.widget.TextView  Maps
      android.widget.TextView  Messenger
      android.widget.TextView  Chrome

on the other hand, if you want the positions of the views, you can run

$ dump -x

android.widget.FrameLayout   (0, 0, 1440, 2392)  (0, 0, 1440, 2392)
      android.widget.FrameLayout  (30, 126, 1380, 372)
         android.widget.TextView May 1 (1037, 194, 337, 162)
         android.widget.TextView MONDAY, 2017 (1092, 356, 282, 73)
      android.widget.TextView  Maps (30, 1614, 276, 372)
   android.widget.ImageView  (30, 214, 276, 196)
   android.widget.ImageView  (636, 1986, 168, 98)
   android.view.ViewGroup  (0, 2084, 1440, 308)
      android.widget.TextView  Messenger (306, 2112, 276, 280)
      android.widget.TextView  Chrome (858, 2112, 276, 280)

The options will give you control over the output. You can get some more info here.