How do I sort a swift array containing instances of NSManagedObject subclass by an attribute value (date)

Solution 1:

This is partly an issue with the Swift compiler not giving you a helpful error. The real issue is that NSDate can't be compared with < directly. Instead, you can use NSDate's compare method, like so:

days.sort({ $$ == NSComparisonResult.OrderedAscending })

Alternatively, you could extend NSDate to implement the Comparable protocol so that it can be compared with < (and <=, >, >=, ==):

public func <(a: NSDate, b: NSDate) -> Bool {
    return == NSComparisonResult.OrderedAscending

public func ==(a: NSDate, b: NSDate) -> Bool {
    return == NSComparisonResult.OrderedSame

extension NSDate: Comparable { }

Note: You only need to implement < and == and shown above, then rest of the operators <=, >, etc. will be provided by the standard library.

With that in place, your original sort function should work just fine:

days.sort({ $ < $ })

Solution 2:

In Swift 3, dates are now directly comparable:

let aDate = Date()
let bDate = Date()

if aDate < bDate {


Old swift: An alternative would be to sort on the timeIntervalSince1970 property of the date object, which is directly comparable.

days.sort({$ < $})

Solution 3:

In swift2.1 use this lines of code

array.sortInPlace({ $$ == NSComparisonResult.OrderedAscending })

Solution 4:

Update__ Swift 4,

let sortedData = dataToSort.sorted(by: { (obj1, obj2) -> Bool in             
   return < obj2. date