Vue JS: Difference of data() { return {} } vs data:() => ({ })

I'm curious both of this data function, is there any difference between this two.

I usually saw is

data () {
  return {

And ES6 "fat arrow" which I typically used


No difference in your specific example, but there is a very important difference between those two notations, specially when it comes to Vue.js: the this won't reflect the vue instance in arrow functions.

So if you ever have something like:

export default {
    props: ['stuffProp'],
    data: () => ({
      myData: 'someData',
      myStuff: this.stuffProp

It won't work as you expect. The this.stuffProp won't get the stuffProp prop's value (see below for more on the reason why).


Change the arrow function to, either (ES6/EcmaScript 2015 notation):

export default {
    props: ['stuffProp'],
    data() {                                   // <== changed this line
      return {
        myData: 'someData',
        myStuff: this.stuffProp

Or to (regular, ES5 and before, notation):

export default {
    props: ['stuffProp'],
    data: function() {                           // <== changed this line
     return {
        myData: 'someData',
        myStuff: this.stuffProp


Don't use arrow functions (() => {}) when declaring Vue methods. They pick up the this from the current scope (possibly window), and will not reflect the Vue instance.

From the API Docs:

Note that you should not use an arrow function with the data property (e.g. data: () => { return { a: this.myProp }}). The reason is arrow functions bind the parent context, so this will not be the Vue instance as you expect and this.myProp will be undefined.