How do I fix failed aliases?
I had two external hard disks: External and Backup. External had many aliases which pointed to other files on the same disk. Backup was used to backup External.
External failed, and I now use Backup, which I have since renamed to External. Unfortunately, all those aliases now point to /Volumes/Backup/…
and thus no longer work.
I don't want to have to fix them or recreate them one at a time.
Is there a way to fix all the aliases so that they point to /Volumes/External/…
instead of /Volumes/Backup/…
Here's my stab at solving this problem with Applescript. The following applescript will take selected aliases in the Finder and try and relink them to the new path replacing Backup
with External
in the POSIX path.
Hopefully it's straightforward. You could probably make it recursive to search for aliases in selected folders, but that's more work than I care to do -- and then there's the problem of dealing with aliases to folders. Things could get messy. ;-)
Hope it helps.
tell application "Finder"
set these_items to the selection
end tell
repeat with i from 1 to the count of these_items
set this_item to (item i of these_items) as alias
set this_info to info for this_item
if class of this_item is alias then
tell application "Finder"
set original_file to original item of this_item
set this_alias_file_name to displayed name of this_item
set container_folder to container of this_item
set the_path to the POSIX path of (original_file as alias)
set new_path to my replaceText("/Backup/", "/External/", the_path)
move this_item to trash
make new alias file at container_folder to (POSIX file new_path) with properties {name:this_alias_file_name}
on error errMsg number errorNumber
if errorNumber is -10000 then -- new original file not found, try relinking to old
make new alias file at container_folder to (POSIX file the_path) with properties {name:this_alias_file_name}
on error errMsg number errorNumber
if errorNumber is -10000 then -- old original not found. link's dead Jim
display dialog "The original file for alias " & this_alias_file_name & " was not found."
display dialog "An unknown error occurred: " & errorNumber as text
end if
end try
display dialog "An unknown error occurred: " & errorNumber as text
end if
end try
end tell
end if
end repeat
on replaceText(find, replace, subject)
set prevTIDs to text item delimiters of AppleScript
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to find
set subject to text items of subject
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to replace
set subject to "" & subject
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs
return subject
end replaceText
Name the disk back to Backup? Seriously, I think that would be the quickest way to solve the problem. Or you could write a shell script that recursively finds all aliase's pointing the "Backup" volume and recreate them to point to the new name...
Check out, mkalias in particular.
I recently had to solve the same problem, and wrote this ruby code to fix all aliases recursively.
I'll paste it here:
# these are the folders containing all your images
if ARGV.size == 2
dir_base = ARGV[0]
alias_folder = ARGV[1]
puts "usage $0 dir_with_all_files sub_dir_containing_broken_aliases"
puts " or pass -d to use defaults: ~/img background"
if ARGV[0] && ARGV[0] == '-d'
dir_base = File.expand_path '~/img'
alias_folder = 'background'
# list of all alias file paths, dirs excluded
alist = Dir.glob("#{dir_base}/#{alias_folder}/**/*").
select{|w| w.scan('.').any? }
# a list of all file paths, alias fodler contents excluded
flist = Dir.glob("#{dir_base}/**/*").
reject{|w| w.scan("#{dir_base}/#{alias_folder}").any? }
# forcably create new aliases by overwriting old files
alist.each do |f|
flist.each do |w|
`ln -fs #{w.gsub(' ','\ ')} #{f.gsub(' ','\ ')}` if w.split('/').last == f.split('/').last
puts "linked #{w.gsub(' ','\ ')} to #{f.gsub(' ','\ ')}"