List non-writable files in Linux

How can I get a list of non-writable files within my current directory?

Interpreting that as: user/group/other cannot write

find . -maxdepth 1 -not -perm /ugo+w

This find will find files that aren't writable by anyone:

find . ! -perm /222

EDIT: From hmont's suggestion on the comment:

find . ! -perm /222 -exec ls -l {} +

And as Mikey puts on his answer, you can use -maxdepth 1 to limit the find to a single directory.

find . ! -perm /a+w
find . ! -perm -ug+w

or some other permutation with symbolic notation to meet your requirements.

To clarify, the '/' will match any user, group, or other. To match all, precede the mode with '-'.