Can I know my opponent's Rafaam token?

There was an online debate during a hearthstone stream when a non-obvious token choice with Arch Thief Rafaam was supposed to surprise the opponent but the latter outbrained that attempt.

After calling him a streamhacker, some other viewers explained that the tokens of Arch Thief Rafaam are always discovered in the same order so one can always know which token was picked by one's opponent.

Has this ever been the case? If yes, is it still true?

No. If it ever was the case, it's not now.

I dueled myself on an alt account in to test. Here are the results from the opponent's perspective after playing Arch-Thief Rafaam 11 times in 1 match:

L = Lantern of Power
M = Mirror of Doom
T = Timepiece of Horror

  1. L M T
  2. T M L
  3. T L M
  4. M T L
  5. T M L
  6. L M T
  7. M L T
  8. T M L
  9. L T M
  10. L T M
  11. L M T