How fast do you take damage when you're outside the circle?

Solution 1:

There is a chart for this available on this website here with more details, but it works like most battle royale games, having each round increase the damage taken per tick outside the ring, along with decreasing the time it takes between each round as the rounds progress. The amount of damage per tick for each round, there being 8 rounds, works like this:

Rounds---Damage Per Tick

Round 1- 1 Damage 
Round 2- 2 Damage
Round 3- 5 Damage
Round 4- 5 Damage
Round 5- 10 Damage
Round 6- 10 Damage
Round 7- 10 Damage
Round 8- 10 Damage

I hoped this helps you get a better idea of how much time and meds it will take for you to get from one ring to the other!