I had the same error. Here was my workflow. I first installed PIL (not Pillow) using

pip install --no-index -f https://dist.plone.org/thirdparty/ -U PIL

Then I found Pillow and installed it using

pip install Pillow

What fixed my issues was uninstalling both and reinstalling Pillow

pip uninstall PIL
pip uninstall Pillow
pip install Pillow

I had the same issue, and did this to fix it:

  1. In command prompt

    pip install Pillow ##
  2. Ensure that you use

    from PIL import Image

I in Image has to be capital. That was the issue in my case.

FWIW, the following worked for me when I had this same error:

pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall pillow

If you use Anaconda, you may try:

conda install Pillow


For me, I had typed image with a lower case "i" instead of Image. So I did:

from PIL import Image NOT from PIL import image