How do I use Facebook credits in Playfish's Restaurant City?

How do I use Facebook credits in a game like Playfish's Restaurant City?

Solution 1:

To convert Facebook credits (FbC) into your game's currency...

  1. Launch the game you want to play.
  2. Once there, that game has some type of currency and a means to add more of that game's currency. Restaurant City uses coins, and in the upper left hand corner of the screen is a button that says "Add Coins". Press the Add Coins button.
  3. The next screen allows you to add coins (or bucks, or horseshoes, or whatever that game uses) via several options (VISA, PayPal, and Facebook Credits).
  4. Follow the prompts to convert FbC into that game's currency.

This one took me a while to figure out. All of the sudden a bunch of people got free Facebook Credits and didn't know what to do with them. Hope this helps!!